About Steve
At the age of 7 I began to explore creativity and turned to drawing and painting for expression. My inquisitive nature opened the doors to self enquiry and seeking truth. In my early 20s I began to set intentions and forged a strong desire to understand life at its core.
I asked the simple question: who am I, and learnt to meditate, to look deeper and go within for the answers. Little did I understand at the time, this to be, the quest of a lifetime.
With seeking set in motion, the pendulum swing between inner and external landscapes, light and dark, agony and ecstasy, I soared through pain and bliss. The path of a Shaman.
Moving through space towards an unknown destination, my story maps a pattern of self-defined reference points. Life’s moments, pain and love. Foundation patterns based on an instinctive yearning to return home, to Source. Creativity and the act of picking up a tool to and draw, expression of the moment, has always been a natural organic process and method of enquiry into the human condition.
The path of an Artist.
Love and life led me from the UK to Hong Kong and to explore Australia for 10 good years. The bush and awesome beauty of this vast natural landscape has had a huge and continued influence on my path. I was fascinated with the aboriginal keepers of this land. Their stories of creation told through song and pattern, lines and pathways of sound. When they travel to a destination, walking bare foot on the Earth, they sing the songs of Creation. Stories of the land and nature, reflections of
the landscape. For thousands of years they have travelled the pathways of the ‘Song Lines’ to guide them home.
I began to tune in to feeling a connection between my body, the Earth and Cosmic bodies. To understand and know that we are not separate from but an integral part of the whole. My creativity and artwork is an expression of this journey towards the one central heart.
For 25 years now my hearing has steadily declined. I have profound hearing loss, a powerful catalyst in the development of my artwork, the combination of inner
and outer travel, shaped by lack of external sound. I work with the physical and inner landscapes of sound, connecting with the land beneath my feet. Patterns appear and I open a dialogue and language for the viewer. When I paint a bridge forms and a pathway opens between worlds, through sound, as language.
The path of a Healer.
After a ten year walk about I returned home to my roots, Guernsey, a tiny island just off the coast of France and the UK. I have been back for 15 years now and along this path a story has been told, through painting and drawing, culminating in the recent exhibition ‘Organic Human’ November 2021. The time here has been filled with love, bliss, pain and ecstasy.
This journey has just begun!
With much Love,